The 80/20 Rule for Product-Based Business

The 80/20 rule lets you divide and conquer your business strategy by streamlining your efforts, so you invest your time, energy, and money where it counts. 

80% of Your Goal Comes From 20% of Your Efforts.

Tune in to hear how we apply the 80/20 rule to business and help you push your best sellers forward. Focusing on the products that embody your concept will make your company memorable in a saturated market. 

After this episode – and our Rock Your Holiday Promotions Challenge – you’ll have everything you need to get 100% with 20%!  

Brought to you by the Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge! Commit to making 1 in 5 of your purchases from a small business, whether online or offline. The Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge is a way to make an impact together when (and where) it matters most. Join us and take the pledge today!

