Your Path to a Million Dollar Product-Based Business and Beyond

So, you’ve started your business and things are going well. What are the income milestones you should look out for, now? And how can you leverage your success into further growth? In this follow-up to episode #298, “Stages of a Product Business on the Way to $100k,” we tell you exactly how.

How Can You Grow A Multimillion Dollar Business While Living Your Dream Life?

What about salary – when should you expect that to kick in? Have you considered how things like scaling and delegation might evolve on your journey? There are distinct stages in the lifespan of any business and it’s super helpful to know what they are. For example, once you hit the million-dollar stage, you can’t be expected to do it all anymore. And, once you enter the acceleration stage, you shouldn’t be deciding everything yourself any more, either.

This is about stepping into your strengths so that your business can become the best version of itself that it can be. It might seem unimaginable right now, but the goal is to find other people you can rely on so that your business can function without you. This is your path to a million dollar product-based business and beyond.

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