From Self-Doubt to Queen of Crowns with Kevlyn Walsh of Festive Gal

In this episode, we are bringing back Kevlyn Walsh, founder of Festive Gal, who you may remember from episode 155 of our Pivot & Sell series back in May of 2020. We have had the honor of working with Kevlyn, for almost a year now, in our Mastermind program and she is going to share with us where her business is at now (hint: it's multiple six figures!)

“Learn to Take a Win — Then, Keep Winning!” - The Product Boss Podcast

At the start of her journey, Kevlyn was a school teacher who knew she wanted to leave the the education field when her school went on strike in 2019. Since Festive Gal was making about the equivalent of her teacher's salary, she knew it was time to leave her old life behind to become a full-time entrepreneur. Now, Festive Gal brings in multiple six figures!

Kevlyn’s major growth during the pandemic had her worried that her success was a total fluke and that it wouldn't last in 2021.  She was able to strategically implement and lean into some new things which has allowed her business to continue growing and scaling to new levels.

As a result of these actions, Festive Gal brought in even more sales in 2021 than 2020! Thanks to wholesale, Festive Gal is now in 200 stores, and has a permanent showroom space. 

Early on, Kevlyn realized that she needed to clone herself three times to continue to be able to operate the company at its new levels – so that’s what she did. She hired two more people just like herself to take on the workload. Since then, Festive Gal has expanded to a team of eight! 

Continuing an established pattern with our guests, she points to participating in Masterminds, specifically The Product Boss Mastermind,  with likeminded people as a catalyst that helped her handle each new step of her entrepreneurial journey. 

Kevlyn's growth and success of Festive Gal over the past couple of years is an excellent example of how surrounding yourself with fellow product based business owners, who are at the same level as you, can make all the difference in your business journey.

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