How to Get "Ready-to-Buy" Customers

We often expect our customers to hit that “checkout” button without being prompted or convinced to do so. But that isn’t how people behave. They buy on desire, needs, and wants, and, as a product-based business owner, it's your responsibility to share with them the benefits that your products will bring to their life. Here’s how you can set yourself up for success with customers who are ready to buy.

For starters, you need to consider the "tried and true" foundational method of marketing, which is... know, like, and trust. Better known as… the customer journey! So how can you start building your customer base? First, you’ll want to curate a healthy mailing list – popular advice in our space, but so many of you don’t use it enough! One email a week should be the minimum for most product businesses because, remember, most of those emails won’t be opened or read. Your subscribers are fans, so they’re on your side. You’re not going to upset them by sending too many emails. 

Fill Your Sales Pipeline With Ready-to-Buy Customers Using These Tips

Instagram is another good option. It used to be one of the best tools for community building, whereas now, it comes with much more of a mixture of pros and cons. The platform is essentially becoming a selling platform, meaning you have to "pay-to-play" to find new customers. Rather than focusing on selling on Instagram (which you should still do at times!), try shifting your focus towards engaging with your followers and converting them over to joining your email list so that you can market to them.

Sure, you might catch a person at the right moment, but more often than not, it’s not the right time for someone to make a purchase when they see your messaging. They might not open an email or buy anything, but if you’re constantly reminding them that you exist, they will remember you when it comes time to buy. Building an engaged following, a community, and increasing your visibility across multiple platforms is what this episode is all about. 

So many of you tell us that you want to turn your product into a six-figure business. Well, let’s do some math, because that goal is probably so much more realistic than you realize. Once you know your numbers, you can forecast your sales. Building up a following of “ready to buy” customers is one of the best things you can do to make sure you get there. 

Brought to you by the Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge! Commit to making 1 in 5 of your purchases from a small business, whether online or offline. The Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge is a way to make an impact together when (and where) it matters most. Join us and take the pledge today!

The Product Boss’s Guide to Your Best Year Yet is a FREE series of workshops where we share the biggest tips and tricks to creating financial momentum for the year ahead. The first workshop kicks off on January 20th so be sure to join here.


  • Product Biz Owners at $250k+ yearly revenue: Are you a product business owner that has built your business to a multi-6 figure to multi-million dollar business? If so, The Product Boss Mastermind has limited spots available open for consideration to applicants $250k and above, apply here.

  • Join the Shop 1 in 5 Small Business Shopping Directory. Get listed now!

  • Consistent content is key to getting more people to see and buy your products. If you want to create great content but you don’t know what to say, or you feel too busy, or you just don’t want to be the face of your brand, no worries – because we’ve got you covered with a year’s worth of consistent content that’s sure to resonate with your audience! If you want to see how easy this can be, visit A Year of Content.

  • Check out and shop from hundreds of small businesses from the Small Business Shopping Directory. It’s the go-to directory to discover, support, and shop small businesses all in one place.

  • If you’re interested in taking the lessons from this episode further, you’ll want to sign up for the waitlist to be part of Multi-Stream Machine, and as soon as enrollment opens, you’ll be the first to know!
