The Most Successful People Ask Themselves These Four Questions


When people think about success, they often think about intelligence. But there are lots of different types of intelligence. We most commonly think about IQ, but that only shows one small piece of the picture. Another type of intelligence we often hear about is your EQ. That’s your emotional intelligence.

Today, we want to introduce you to the concept of the RQ. This is your relationship intelligence. 

One of the most important factors when it comes to success is how well someone builds and manages their relationships. 

One of the Most Important Factors in Success Is How Well We Build & Manage Relationships

Relationships cover a lot of different things you might not think about. For example, it’s easy to forget that social media is a form of socializing, and that means we might not realize how much of our mental or emotional energy is being drained when we spend too much time there. It’s worth really thinking about how and who you engage with online. It’s easy to look for validation online, especially as entrepreneurs, when we should really be looking for it within ourselves.

As a product boss, you’re probably going to start hiring people at some point (if you haven’t already). Again, our relationship with our employees is one that we really need to be aware of. So many people forget that professional boundaries must be set, and that unfortunately, your staff cannot be your biz besties.

Don’t worry, though. It’s completely normal to want to treat people like your friends. Being an entrepreneur can feel lonely. There’s so much responsibility and pressure resting on your shoulders. Just remember that you’re not alone. That’s why we built this community, so that likeminded product bosses can share with and support one another. 

There are four questions to ask yourself to fully understand your relationships and realign your success. And we take you through each one of them in this episode, so what are you waiting for? Listen now!

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  • Introducing The Product Boss Biz Accelerator, a five-month group coaching program kicking off on May 1st. Head to to join the waiting list. You’ll be the first to hear more information as we release it, and you’ll be able to grab your spot on the course before everyone else.

  • Consistent content is key to getting more people to see and buy your products. If you want to create great content but you don’t know what to say, or you feel too busy, or you just don’t want to be the face of your brand, no worries – because we’ve got you covered with a year’s worth of consistent content that’s sure to resonate with your audience! If you want to see how easy this can be, visit A Year of Content.
