What You Should REALLY Be Doing About the Recession this Holiday Season


As business owners, we know that running a business can be risky even in the best of times. With recession being a buzzword on the lips and minds of many right now, we want to assure you that there is a path forward and your business can still grow and thrive—even if the economy declines.

Get Your Business Ready to Weather a Recession

As scary as it might seem, we know that these things are only temporary and that by taking the right steps to prepare you can get through it in one piece. In order to help you make those preparations, we’re going to talk about:

  • Diversifying your income and sales channels,

  • saving money where it matters, and

  • strategically spending money to solidify your business.

Being proactive is always better than being reactive, so start putting these principles into practice today and feel confident in knowing that you’re future-proofing your business for whatever the world throws at you. We believe in you!

Brought to you by the Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge! Commit to making 1 in 5 of your purchases from a small business, whether online or offline. The Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge is a way to make an impact together when (and where) it matters most. Join us and take the pledge today!


  • We’re sharing some of the biggest tips and tricks on how to prepare yourself and your business so you can 2x your sales WITHOUT 2xing your effort. Plus with talks of a down economy, we want to make sure that you feel confident and prepared to push through…no matter what! Then be sure to sign up now for our FREE 3 part workshop series: The Product Boss’ Guide to Getting Holiday Ready and Recession Proofing Your Business!
