Pitch Yourself & Get Results Using Gloria Chou’s CPR Method


Have you ever asked yourself: How do I pitch myself? How do I get into gift guides? How do I get PR without having to hire a dedicated publicist? None of those are easy questions, but thankfully there are answers—and we know just who can give ‘em to us!

Putting Yourself Out There Is Hard—But It’s an Essential Part of Running a Business

Meet Gloria Chou, the unofficial hype woman for your business! She is a PR mentor and award-winning pitch writer who teaches early stage founders and business owners how to hack their PR with her proprietary three-step CPR pitching method. She’s helped thousands of bootstrapped small businesses make over a combined one billion organic views from outlets such as Vogue, New York Times, Fast Company, Forbes, and more.

She shares the story of her transition from former US diplomat to PR professional, how she developed a methodology for how people can learn to pitch themselves, and her CPR pitching method: Credibility, Point of view, and Relevance.

If you want to learn more about her method and how to incorporate it into your business marketing plan, sign up for Gloria’s FREE PR Secrets Masterclass.

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