
Makers Gotta Make Money

We tend to hear the same limitations over and over, specifically from our makers, which is why in today's episode, we want to make sure that you are thinking about things in a way that will benefit you and serve your business. Oftentimes we see this idea of the starving artist mentality in the maker community, either "you don't want to charge too much for something" or "maybe you don't find that there's value in it" or the most common one we hear is "it has to be made by me."

As a handmade business, its really easy to allow this mentality to take over, but when it comes down to it, if you're getting stuck in the belief that other people can't do something the same way you can or people won't buy your product if it isn't made with your own two hands, then you'll eventually hit capacity and won't be able to scale. It's time to break some of these limitations down so that you can move forward with your business.

The most common story we hear is, “I have to make all of my products with my own two hands.” Maybe this is you. Maybe you’ve built your brand identity around the idea of your products being handmade and unique. But, set down the rolling pin for a second and ask yourself, did you ever promise that those hands would only ever be yours? Chances are, your customers don’t care who’s making your product so long as it’s still made with care and held to the same high standard

So, is it really still worth your time to make every last thing yourself, or can you start scaling?

This is only one example. At the end of the day, makers gotta make money! Your customers need and want your products, so it’s time to get over that starving artist mentality and step into a new mindset of being a true product boss. Tune in – let’s unpack why you shouldn’t let these common beliefs stand in your way.

Brought to you by the Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge! Commit to making 1 in 5 of your purchases from a small business, whether online or offline. The Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge is a way to make an impact together when (and where) it matters most. Join us and take the pledge today!

The Product Boss’s Guide to Your Best Year Yet is a FREE series of workshops where we share the biggest tips and tricks to creating financial momentum for the year ahead. Be sure to join here


  • Product Biz Owners at $250k+ yearly revenue: Are you a product business owner that has built your business to a multi-6 figure to multi-million dollar business? If so, The Product Boss Mastermind has limited spots available open for consideration to applicants $250k and above, apply here.

  • Consistent content is key to getting more people to see and buy your products. If you want to create great content but you don’t know what to say, or you feel too busy, or you just don’t want to be the face of your brand, no worries – because we’ve got you covered with a year’s worth of consistent content that’s sure to resonate with your audience! If you want to see how easy this can be, visit A Year of Content.

  • Check out and shop from hundreds of small businesses from the Small Business Shopping Directory. It’s the go-to directory to discover, support, and shop small businesses all in one place.

  • If you’re interested in taking the lessons from this episode further, you’ll want to sign up for the waitlist to be part of Multi-Stream Machine, and as soon as enrollment opens, you’ll be the first to know!


Be Honest: Are You Afraid of Success?

The second Friday of every year is National Quitters’ Day. Why? Because it’s the day that, statistically, most people give up on their new year’s resolutions. Why is it so difficult to make the changes we really want in life? We know the obvious answers, but have you ever considered that maybe you’re scared of change – of success? Let’s really dive into what that means and what you can do about it.

Leave Your Fears in 2021 to Embrace Your Potential & Unlock a Million-Dollar Mindset

Let’s compare your business resolutions to a resolution that a lot of people make at the beginning of the year: trying to lose weight. Losing weight couldn’t possibly be scary, right? Well, for many people, it can! There’s the fear of committing to a new way of life, the fear that your lifestyle changes will make you feel less comfortable, and the fear of failure, all of which can contribute to you being afraid to make that change. Business resolutions are no different!

Change is scary – especially when you are wanting to take that next step in your business to become successful. You may experience thoughts such as "I don't want to be successful because I won't have the time" or "I can't scale my handmade business because my customers expect me to be the one making the product." Ultimately, it comes down to your mindset and the limiting beliefs you have that can lead to you being the biggest obstacle on your path to success.

So how can you overcome this? It’s simple, really. It starts with daring to dream – and by trusting in your abilities. Listen for more.

Brought to you by the Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge! Commit to making 1 in 5 of your purchases from a small business, whether online or offline. The Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge is a way to make an impact together when (and where) it matters most. Join us and take the pledge today!

The Product Boss’s Guide to Your Best Year Yet is a FREE series of workshops where we share the biggest tips and tricks to creating financial momentum for the year ahead. The first workshop kicks off on January 20th so be sure to join here.


  • Product Biz Owners at $250k+ yearly revenue: Are you a product business owner that has built your business to a multi-6 figure to multi-million dollar business? If so, The Product Boss Mastermind has limited spots available open for consideration to applicants $250k and above, apply here.

  • Join the Shop 1 in 5 Small Business Shopping Directory. Get listed now!

  • Consistent content is key to getting more people to see and buy your products. If you want to create great content but you don’t know what to say, or you feel too busy, or you just don’t want to be the face of your brand, no worries – because we’ve got you covered with a year’s worth of consistent content that’s sure to resonate with your audience! If you want to see how easy this can be, visit A Year of Content.

  • Check out and shop from hundreds of small businesses from the Small Business Shopping Directory. It’s the go-to directory to discover, support, and shop small businesses all in one place.

  • If you’re interested in taking the lessons from this episode further, you’ll want to sign up for the waitlist to be part of Multi-Stream Machine, and as soon as enrollment opens, you’ll be the first to know!
