
Should You Stay in a Plateau or Push for More Growth?

Plateaus in product-based businesses can be good or bad, depending on the situation. Tune in and figure out what plateau you may be in and what to do about it.

Ever Wanted in on an Inner Circle Mastermind Coaching Session? Here’s a Peek.

Listen in on an Inner Circle Mastermind session! Jacqueline coaches individual Masterminders who have hit the six-figure revenue mark. Plus other Masterminders share what has been working (or not working) for them in terms of buyers, retailers, restocks, affiliates, ambassadors, pitches, acquisition channels, and much more.

Are You Building a Million Dollar Product-Based Business? Do This to Find Out.

If you’re a product boss hitting the six-figure mark, now is the time to plan how to hit the seven-figure mark and even the multi seven-figure mark. Apply today for the free March 13 masterclass, “The Proven Path to a Profitable Million Dollar Business, and Discovering the Secrets to Breaking Free from Being the Bottleneck.”

Smart Financing for Small Businesses: Strategies and Tips for Funding Your Business

As business owners, we've often thought about the possibility of a recession. So in this episode, we're taking a deep dive into smarter financing. Whether you're just getting started, need some financial cushioning, or your business is booming, we've got some tips and strategies to help you manage your finances more effectively. Join us as we discuss how to fund your small business and take full control of your financial journey.

A Microaction to Raise Your Revenue Right Now

Discover a micro action to increase your revenue with ease by increasing your average order value by training your team to offer additional items or services during the checkout process.

How to Generate Consistent Revenue Year-Round Series Part 2

In the first part of our series on generating consistent revenue, we went over systems and the main areas you can focus on to build a solid foundation. Today, we’re going to take things a step further and start building on top of that foundation—by focusing on visibility to help you make more sales!

Here's Why Profit Matters More Than Anything Right Now

Profit is an essential part of your business—especially now. We’re going to share three reasons why profit is more important than anything else right now, and what you can do to increase it.