
Where to Work ON Your Business Instead of IN Your Business Right Now

Don’t let the J-month slump get you down. This episode is all about understanding and navigating the slow seasons in retail. We share insights on shifting consumer trends, debunk the myths of the "J-month slump," and guide you on using this period to work on your business, rather than just in it. Let’s turn those slow months into a time of growth and preparation!

What's Working and Not Working Right Now

Trends in business marketing are constantly changing. A member of our Multi-Stream Machine community asked other members what was working and what wasn’t in their business, and we’re going to share four of the highlights from each category—as well as share why it’s so important to focus on the basics.

Trend Alert: Consumers are Paying for Wellness

The wellness industry is bringing in $1.5 trillion dollars annually, and consumers are looking for wellness across every purchasing category. We’re going to look at how you can relate wellness to your product or industry, as well as how to communicate that value to your customers.