From Children’s Book Author to Publishing Powerhouse with Maria Dismondy of Cardinal Rule Press


Every entrepreneur has their own story to tell—but not all of them are professional storytellers themselves! Maria Dismondy is the founder of Cardinal Rule Press, a traditional publishing company that specializes in realistic children’s fiction, stories that children see themselves in and which help them be their best selves.

Maria Dismondy of Cardinal Rule Press Shares Her Story of Empowering Authors to Get Their Books Into the World

Maria started out as a writer and author herself, writing ten books of her own before opting for a change of pace. She then started helping other authors get their stories published using what she had learned. As a teacher, she saw so many kids who were ashamed of who they were. She wanted to teach her students to have the courage to be themselves—but there weren’t many books out there that featured actual kids that looked like those in her class. Like so many successful entrepreneurs, she started off by creating something she wanted to see in the world.

One lesson that Maria learned from her time as an author that still benefits her today—and can benefit anyone that’s running a business—is the power of being motivated and tenacious. She sent out 90 submissions for her first book. Out of those she received 88 noes and one “maybe,” but all she needed was that one “yes” to give her enough momentum to move forward.

Being so invested in teaching kids valuable lessons, Maria has also taught her own children some important skills around money and business. When her daughter turned 12, Maria explored a different profession with her based on her passions and interests. She saw people in the real world doing those jobs, learned what options were available to her, and how she could live her life now to start steering in that direction. Wouldn’t that have been great for so many of us future entrepreneurs?

Maria may be done being an author, but she’s telling a new story, all her own—one that empowers a new generation of kids as well as creatives and entrepreneurs alike. No business is successful without a strong enough why, and we know Maria’s journey is going to inspire you to find or remember yours.

