founder stories

Breaking Barriers with Jerry Won: A Dive into Diversity, Connection, and Creativity

We're mixing it up in this episode, Bosses! We’re welcoming Jerry Won to the show. Jerry's extensive experience spans diverse industries and roles, with insights gleaned from every corner. From the vice president to everyday heroes, his work in sharing diverse Asian American stories offers us a fresh perspective on societal change, networking, and the power of personal stories. This AAPI Month, join us as we explore Jerry's journey and unearth strategies for capturing value in your business.

Breaking into Big Box Retailers with Aggie Burnett of AB Creative

Your path to success doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s but your own. That’s true for Aggie Burnett of AB Creative, a beauty product expert with her own amazing brand who shares her valuable insights on how to break into a big box retailer and even talks about her personal experience with selling to Sephora.

Side Hustling on Etsy and In-Person Markets

Get ready for a doublesode of student stories as we hear from Gina Rosen of Fan Sparkle and Rachel Dunn of Rachel Dunn Jewelry as they share how they both built up profitable businesses while working full-time jobs.

Four 6-Figure Months in a Row with Christina Guy of The Hotel Sheet

Listen in as Christina Guy of The Hotel Sheet shares how her and her husband took action on what they learned in Multi-Stream Machine and how they focused on their best sellers to scale their business beyond their wildest dreams!

Is It Magic?

Are you ready to discover the magical secret behind the success of businesses like Spanx and It Cosmetics? We're sharing stories from our very own Multi-Stream Machine students who have built million-dollar businesses, some even within their first year of launching. Get ready to break that ceiling and think bigger because we're going to show you how you can apply these strategies to your own business, no matter what industry you're in.

Where Are They Now?

We’re going to highlight three stories of our Multi-Stream Machine students to showcase the massive growth they’ve experienced since joining the program and implementing what they’ve learned!