
5 Discount Offer Ideas to Boost Sales Right Now

Should you offer discounts on your products? Well, it depends! In today’s episode, we’re diving into when and why you should offer discounts along with sharing five discount offers you can use to boost your product business sales right now.

"My jewelry business does well in-person, but I need help increasing my online sales- help!" | Coaching Session

Struggling to make or scale your online sales? Join us as we coach Brian of The Freshwater Pearl Company, who has this exact same struggle, and discover actionable tips and tricks so you can start making the sales you want to be. Don’t miss this chance to figure out the exact next step you need to take!

Is Your Product Business Ready for the Holiday Season?

Are you feeling like you’re trying everything to make sales in your product business and nothing’s working? In today’s episode, we’re diving into the number one thing you need to be doing if you want to not only make more sales, but ensure your product business is ready for the upcoming holiday season.

“I’m in a huge life transition and now I need this hobby to turn into a money-making business. How can I do that, fast?” | Coaching Session

Have you ever wondered how you can transition your business from your hobby into a money making business? Join us as we coach Julie of Whatsoever Things, who has this exact goal, and discover actionable tips on how you can quickly turn your business into a money making machine. Don’t miss this chance to figure out the exact next step you need to take!

How Product Business Owners Can Make Good Money During Their Busiest Season

Are you ready to boost your holiday sales and make good money during the holiday season? In today’s episode, we’re diving headfirst into preparing your product-based business for its most successful season yet.

“I’ve made $150 in sales and need a plan to hit my revenue goal by the end of the year- help!” | Coaching Session

Are you ready to hit your revenue goal by the end of the year, even if your sales have been down? Join us as we coach Lisa of Hobbs Sticker Co, who has this exact goal, and discover actionable tips on how you can reach your revenue goal by the end of the year, no matter how many sales you’ve made. Don’t miss this chance to figure out your next best step!

Tips for Product Business Owners to Maximize Their Sales This Holiday Season

The holidays are just around the corner and today we’re sharing a very special episode of The Blended Life! Join me as I discuss blending motherhood and entrepreneurship and share strategies for how you can make the most of the upcoming holiday season.

“I want to hit $100k in revenue, but I’m on the brink of burn out- what should I do?” | Coaching Session

Are you ready to crush your revenue goals, but feeling like you’re right on the line of burnout? Join us as we coach Anna of Fit Stitch Gear, who’s facing this exact issue, and discover actionable takeaways on how you can achieve your revenue goal without crossing that line. Don’t miss this chance to figure out your next best step!